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Have a promotional claim code?
Select your membership
Annual Advance
Adult Annual
Pay as you go membership is valid for one year from the date of joining.
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Priority booking of seven days in advance.
A Gym induction is an additional £10.50
Concession Annual
Pay as you go membership is valid for one year from the date of joining.
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Priority booking of seven days in advance.
A gym induction is an additional £10.50
Contact to qualify for this memb.
Junior Annual
Children aged 8-15 years
Pay as you go membership is valid for one year from the date of joining.
Use of the gym at selected times from the age of 11 years
11am-1pm & 3pm-6pm
£12 Joining fee
£4 gym session
Inductions & programmes are compulsory
USP Student and College Staff Annual
Pay as you go membership is valid for one year from the date of joining.
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Priority booking of seven days in advance.
Joining Fee £12.00
Bronze Racket - 12 Month - 1st
Fee admission to the centre on every visit
Advanced priority booking
Half price racket courts - Joining Fee £21.00
per month
Bronze Racket - No contract - 1st
Fee admission to the centre on every visit
Advanced priority booking
Half price racket courts - Joining Fee £21.00
per month
Monthly Direct Debit
Gym Only 1st of the Month
6 month Gym membership.
£21 Joining Fee.
Induction to the gym is mandatory
per month
Junior Gym - no contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking
Use of the gym at selected times
Inductions & programmes are compulsory with a Junior Gym membership - Joining fee £12.00
per month
Student Gym - no contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction to the gym.
Use of the fitness suite at selected times. Joining Fee £12.00
per month
Uni Student - No Contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction & use of the gym.
Joining Fee £10.00
per month
Silver Membership
Silver - 12 month Gym & Class - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction to the gym.
Use of the gym & fitness classes - Joining Fee £21.00
per month
Silver Gym & Class No Contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction to the gym.
Use of the gym & fitness classes. Joining Fee £21.00
per month
Silver Plus - 12 Month Contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction to the gym.
Use of the gym & fitness classes.
Half price racket courts. Joining fee £21
per month
Silver Plus - No Contract - 1st
Free admission to the centre on every visit.
Advanced priority booking.
Induction to the gym.
Use of the gym & fitness classes.
Half price racket courts.
per month
Buy with confidence